You train your body, what about your mind?! Discover the new way of being at your best.
Join us for 30 minutes of insights on how you can train your brain to respond to life’s challenges with a positive rather than a negative mindset. Learn how you can rewire your brain for greater success and happiness. Discover why people worldwide, from CEOs, their teams and professional athletes rave about this new, transformative approach.
Delivered by Katrin Windsor, President of The Windsor Group, an international speaker, executive and teamwork coach and mental fitness trainer.
Who should attend? This training is beneficial for everyone from individual contributors to c-level executives.
Please register by Tuesday, April 19. The training takes place on Thursday, April 21, from 10:30-11:00am PT / 11:30am-12:00pm MT / 12:30-1:00pm CT / 1:30-2:00pm ET.
About Katrin Windsor, CPCC, PCC, CTPC: Coaching CEOs, C-level executives and leadership teams. Katrin helps accomplished individuals and teams break through to their next level of growth and expansion, faster than if they did it on their own. She connects clients to their strengths, wisdom, energy, joy and lightness so they reach new levels of thrive, success and peace of mind. She challenges clients to shatter limiting beliefs and behavioral patterns that don’t serve them. Clients include CEOs and C-level executives of multinational firms, as well as emerging leaders, Olympians and professional musicians. Fluent in 5 languages, Katrin coached teams in 40+ countries, held executive positions with Silicon Valley firms, started and sold a company. Her style is intuitive and vibrant, supported by 20 years of meditation practice and a passion for life, change, growth, and great relationships.